2019 Flu Deaths


Comparing COVID deaths to flu deaths -- we've heard many politicians doing it -- but is it accurate? A Harvard medical school instructor and ER doctor says no and is also calling on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to change the way it reports flu deaths.

“What’s problematic is that no one ever thought about the fact that the flu would be compared to something like a pandemic outbreak,” said Dr. Jeremy Faust, an emergency-room physician at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, in Boston, and an instructor at Harvard Medical School.

In its weekly flu report. And in 2019, it was 2,614,950. The number of deaths to this point in 2020 is at least 260,000 greater than either of the past two years. But that number is an. According to estimates from the CDC, about 1% of people who got sick with the flu were hospitalized during the 2019-2020. 156 deaths in nursing homes in. At the same point in 2018, the number was 2,606,928, and in 2019, it was 2,614,950. The number of deaths to this point in 2020 is at least 260,000 greater than either of the past two years. . Estimates from the 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020 seasons are preliminary and may change as data are finalized. Next 2018–2019 Page last reviewed: October 1, 2020.

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Faust recently authored an article in JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association and an op-ed in the Scientific American on the topic.

The Burden of Flu: 2019-2020. During the 2019-2020 flu season, CDC estimates flu caused: 38 million flu illnesses, about the same as the population of California. 400,000 flu hospitalizations, about the same as the population of Miami, FL. 22,000 flu deaths, enough people to fill Madison Square Garden in New York City.

“Seasonal influenza has just become the benchmark by which we compare things,” Faust said.

And that benchmark just seemed off to be too high for Faust.

Since 2010, the average flu season kills between 12,000-61,000 Americans, according to the CDC.

“That didn’t add up to me,” said Faust, who regularly saw patients dying of other causes, like gunshot wounds and heroin overdoses, but rarely saw patients dying of the flu.

Turns out, the CDC says that 61,000 number is an estimate. If you count flu deaths the way we now count COVID-19 deaths, the actual number of reported flu deaths is only about 3,000-15,000 a year – making the other figure a drastic overcount – which is why Faust says the comparison between the flu and COVID-19 should never be made.

'You need to be very upfront about the way you account for things, because someone down the road is going to use that number in a way you didn’t expect,' Faust said. 'I don’t think the CDC expected that a pandemic would break out in the year 2020 and that politicians would be up there saying, 'This is going to be the same as the flu.' ”

In San Diego County, the health department reported 108 flu deaths during the 2019-20 flu season. In comparison, as of earlier this week, more than seven times that number, 767 people, have died from COVID-19.

“I’ve seen a couple of pandemics but definitely not like this one, “ said Dr. Francesca Torriani, the program director of infection prevention and clinical epidemiology at UC San Diego Health.

“The philosophy of the CDC is to be prudent,” Torriani said.

Torriani disagrees with Faust and instead supports the current estimation model used by the CDC.

“I think that, actually, that is the safest estimate,” Torriani said.

Torriani recalls a recent flu season with an unusually high death toll among the elderly, saying that many older folks in San Diego died at home, without ever taking a flu test, meaning that that year, the actual death numbers would have been an underreported.

2019 flu deaths us

“It’s better to be prudent than just to make a black-and-white statement, because most of the time, black and white doesn’t work,” Torriani said.

While Faust and Torriani don't see eye-to-eye on how the CDC reports flu deaths, they do agree on one thing: Get a flu shot.

NBC 7 reached out to the CDC by phone and e-mail multiple times since last week in an effort to get a response to Faust's criticism of the CDC's flu-death-reporting methodology. We have yet to receive a response.

Cattle Decapitation--Жанр: Progressive death metal, deathgrind, brutal death, grindcore || Год выпуска: 1997-2019 || Страна: United States (San Diego) || Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Аудио кодек: MP3 || Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps (иное указано отдельно) || Продолжительность: 13CD
Lyrical themes: Misanthropy, Gore, Revenge, Animal Supremacy

О исполнителе:

Cattle Decapitation - deathgrind-группа из города Сан-Диего, Калифорния, образованная в 1996 году. Она была призвана стать карающим орудием возмездия за все зло, причиненное божественному животному корове родом человеческим. Сразу после своего основания команда претерпела несколько изменений в составе и выпустила свой первый виниловый мини-альбом, 'Human Jerky', на невадском лейбле Satan’s Pimp.
Басиста в то время в группе еще не было, поэтому братки мочили в составе трио: Тревис Райан - вокал, Гейб Сербиан - гитара, Дейв Астор - ударные. Двое последних совмещали эту работу с сайд-проектом The Locust. В 2000 году группа выпустила ещё один свой продукт, 'Homovore',
обозначившим новую про-вегетарианскую и античеловеческую концепцию творчества Cattle Decapitation. В части ее визуальной реализации группе существенно помог старый веган-педофил Нельсон Гарридо, оформивший обложки их дисков.
В новое тысячелетие группа вошла стройным шагом под одобрительное коровье мычание и в новом составе. Новыми участниками стали гитарист Джош Элморre (экс-7000 Dying Rats) и бас-гитарист Трой Офтедаль. Гейбл Сербиан покинул группу, предпочтя сконцентрироваться на The Locust. Лейбл Metal Blade Records, привлеченный ажиотажем вокруг столь оригинальной формации, подписывает Cattle Decapitation, и в 2002 году выходит новое творение, 'To Serve Man'. В поддержку релиза было проведено длительное турне по коровникам, свинарникам и даже курятникам сельской Америки.
Не выдержав условий тура, постыдно сваливает Дейв Астор. На его место сразу находится отчаянный доброволец -Майкл Логлин (экс-Creation Is Crucifixion). С ним группа записывает 'Humanure' в 2004 году. Апофеозом этой записи стал десятиминутный эпик, записанный в цехе по производству тушенки на заводе в Кентукки.
В 2005 году Cattle Decapitation записывают сплит-семидюймовку с коллегами по сцене - Caninus. Это еще более подогрело публику перед выпуском очередного полноформатного шедевра 'Karma. Bloody. Karma', появившемся в 2006 году на все том же Metal Blade Records.
В 2009 году группа выпустила четвёртый полноформатник под названием 'The Harvest Floor'. В августе коллектив покинул бас-гитарист Трой Офтедал, а в 2010 году на вакантное место приходит Дерек Энгеманн. В немного обновлённом составе музыканты приступают к работе над пятым полноформатным альбомом 'Monolith of Inhumanity', релиз которого был назначен на 8 мая 2012 года посредством Metal Blade Records. 23 апреля 2012-го состоялась премьера видео на трек 'Kingdom of Tyrants' с нового альбома.
-В раздаче:-2019 Flu Deaths

Albums2002 - To Serve Man

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:34:59
01. Testicular Manslaughter [00:02:50]
02. I Eat Your Skin [00:01:54]
03. Writhe in Putressence [00:03:16]
04. Land of the Severed Meatus [00:02:22]
05. The Regurgitation of Corpses [00:02:02]
06. Everyone Deserves to Die [00:02:36]
07. To Serve Man [00:03:07]
08. Colonic Villus Biopsy Performed on the Gastro-Intestinally Incapable [00:02:56]
09. Pedeadstrians [00:03:26]
10. Long-Pig Chef and the Hairless Goat [00:02:09]
11. Hypogastric Combustion By C-4 Plastique [00:02:36]
12. Deadmeal [00:02:34]
13. Chunk Blower [00:03:06]-Lineup:
Travis Ryan - vocals
Dave Astor - drums
Josh Elmore - guitars
Troy Oftedal - bass
Other staff:
Juan Urteage - producer, engineering, mastering
Mike Blanchard - additional engineering
Wes Benscoter - cover art
Ryan Loyko - photography
Brian Ames - design
Myke Miazio - logo design

2004 - Humanure

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:47:32
01. Scatology Domine (Intro) [00:01:02]
02. Humanure [00:03:05]
03. Reduced to Paste [00:04:13]
04. Bukkake Tsunami [00:04:33]
05. Cloacula: the Anthropophagic Copromantik [00:03:05]
06. Chummified [00:03:43]
07. Applied Human Defragmentation [00:05:19]
08. The Earthling [00:03:27]
09. Polyps [00:04:24]
10. Lips & Assholes [00:04:56]
11. Men Before Swine (Outro) [00:09:40]-Lineup:
Josh Elmore - guitars
Travis Ryan - vocals
Troy Oftedal - bass
Michael Laughlin - drums
Guest/session musicians:
Gabe Serbian
Justin Pearson
Robert Bray
Scott Miller
Other staff:
Bill Metoyer - producer, mixing, engineering
Brad Vance - mastering

2006 - Karma. Bloody. Karma

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:40:45
01. Intro [00:00:19]
02. Unintelligent Design [00:03:37]
03. Success Is... (Hanging By the Neck) [00:03:34]
04. One Thousand Times Decapitation [00:01:03]
05. The Carcass Derrick [00:03:44]
06. Total Gore? [00:03:11]
07. Bereavement [00:01:44]
08. Suspended in Coprolite [00:04:20]
09. Alone at the Landfill [00:07:37]
10. Karma. Bloody. Karma. [00:03:05]
11. The New Dawn [00:05:12]
12. Of Human Pride & Flatulence [00:03:14]-Lineup:
Travis Ryan - vocals
Josh Elmore - guitars, backing vocals (track 9) & e-bow (track 12)
Troy Oftedal - bass, backing vocals & piano (track 9)
Michael Laughlin - drums
Guest/session musicians:
Joey Karam - vocals (track 6) & keyboards (track 6 & 12)
Billy Anderson - backing vocals (track 9)
Other staff:
Billy Anderson - producer

2009 - The Harvest Floor

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:37:37
01. The Gardeners of Eden [00:05:39]
02. A Body Farm [00:03:28]
03. We are Horrible People [00:03:56]
04. Tooth Enamel & Concrete [00:02:57]
05. The Ripe Beneath the Rind [00:02:49]
06. The Product Alive [00:03:04]
07. In Axetasy [00:04:42]
08. Into the Public Bath [00:03:11]
09. The Harvest Floor [00:03:07]
10. Regret & the Grave [00:04:40]-Lineup:
Travis Ryan - vocals
Josh Elmore - guitars
Troy Oftedal - bass
David McGraw - drums
Guest/session musicians:
Jackie Perez Gratz - electric cello on 'We Are Horrible People', 'The Harvest Floor' and 'Regret & the Grave'
Jarboe - vocals on 'The Harvest Floor' and 'Regret & the Grave'
Billy Anderson - keyboards and percussion on 'The Harvest Floor'
Ross Sewage - guest vocals on 'Tooth Enamel and Concrete'
Dino Sommese - guest vocals on 'The Product Alive'
John Wiese - electronics and atmospherics on 'The Gardeners of Eden' and 'The Harvest Floor'
Other staff:
Billy Anderson - producer, engineering
Wes Benscoter - cover art

2012 - Monolith of Inhumanity

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:43:04
01. The Carbon Stampede [00:03:39]
02. Dead Set on Suicide [00:03:18]
03. A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat [00:02:57]
04. Forced Gender Reassignment [00:03:53]
05. Gristle Licker [00:04:54]
06. Projectile Ovulation [00:03:30]
07. Lifestalker [00:04:14]
08. Do Not Resuscitate [00:03:18]
09. Your Disposal [00:04:47]
10. The Monolith [00:03:39]
11. Kingdom of Tyrants [00:04:50]-Lineup:
Travis Ryan - Vocals
Derek Engemann - Bass
David McGraw - Drums
Josh Elmore - Guitars
Guest/session musicians:
John Wiese Ambience
Jawsh Mullen - Vocals on 'The Carbon Stampede'
Zac Joe - Vocals on 'The Carbon Stampede'
Leonard 'Lenzig' Leal - Vocals on 'The Carbon Stampede'
Steve Goldberg - Vocals on 'The Carbon Stampede'
Brian Hopp - Vocals on 'The Carbon Stampede'
John Merryman - Vocals on 'The Carbon Stampede'
Nick Schendzielos - Vocals on 'The Carbon Stampede'
Mike Majewski - Vocals on 'Projectile Ovulation'
Other staff:
Wes Benscoter - Cover art
Dave Otero - Producer

2015 - The Anthropocene Extinction

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:53:44
01. Manufactured Extinct [00:04:46]
02. The Prophets of Loss [00:04:07]
03. Plagueborne [00:04:58]
04. Clandestine Ways (Krokodil Rot) [00:04:34]
05. Circo Inhumanitas [00:04:03]
06. The Burden of Seven Billion [00:01:23]
07. Mammals in Babylon [00:04:09]
08. Mutual Assured Destruction [00:02:42]
09. Not Suitable For Life [00:03:16]
10. Apex Blasphemy [00:03:45]
11. Ave Exitium [00:03:06]
12. Pacific Grim [00:05:25]
13. Cannibalistic Invasivorism (Exclusive)[00:04:00]
14. No Light and No Life (Japan)[00:03:23]-Lineup:
Travis Ryan – vocals, keyboard and drums on 'Ave Exitium'
Josh Elmore – guitar
Derek Engemann – bass, additional gang vocals on 'The Prophets of Loss', keyboard and drums on 'The Burden of Seven Billion'
Dave McGraw – drums
Guest/session musicians:
Philip H. Anselmo – vocals on 'The Prophets of Loss'
Author & Punisher – intro of 'Plagueborne'
Jürgen Bartsch (Bethlehem) – spoken word on 'Pacific Grim'
Artwork and design:
Wes Benscoter – album artwork, photo editing
Brian Ames – album layout
Sam Lanthrem – photography
Denise Ryan – photography
Zach Cordner – photography
Travis Ryan – art direction, concept
Dave Otero – production, mixing, mastering
Shane Howard – engineering assistance
Flatline Audio, Westminster, CO, USA – production, mixing, mastering

2019 - Death Atlas

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:55:05
01. Anthropogenic: End Transmission (2:15)
02. The Geocide (3:43)
03. Be Still Our Bleeding Hearts (3:54)
04. Vulturous (4:59)
05. The Great Dying (1:12)
06. One Day Closer to the End of the World (3:47)
07. Bring Back the Plague (4:28)
08. Absolute Destitute (4:36)
09. The Great Dying II (1:05)
10. Finish Them (2:56)
11. With All Disrespect (4:31)
12. Time's Cruel Curtain (5:32)
13. The Unerasable Past (2:51)
14. Death Atlas (9:15)

Compilations2018 - Medium Rarities (Compilation)

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:34:37
01. Birth. Cancer. Death. [0:19]
02. No Future [1:43]
03. Chili Dispenser [0:48]
04. The Recapitation of Cattle [0:04]
05. Thrombosis All-In [0:11]
06. Turn on the Masters [1:19]
07. Tripas de Pepe [0:51]
08. Vino de Lo Sanguifero [0:33]
09. Queso de Cabeza [1:00]
10. Birth. Cancer. Death. (Demo)[0:17]
11. Diarrhea De Dahmer (Demo)[0:18]
12. Human Jerky (Demo)[1:09]
13. Thrombosis All-In (Demo)[0:15]
14. Colon Blo (Demo) [1:22]
15. Flesh-Eating Disease (Demo)[1:05]
16. Burnt to a Crisp [2:34]
17. Sonny's Burning [2:55]
18. Rotting Children for Remote Viewing [2:07]
19. You People [2:31]
20. World Full of Idiots [2:23]
21. An Exposition of Insides [3:32]
22. No Light and No Life [3:24]
23. Cannibalistic Invasivorism [3:56]

EPs, singles, splits, demos1997 - Ten Torments of the Damned (Demo)

Лэйбл: Humanure Atrocities
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:08:14
01. Priest of Ass [00:00:44]
02. The Axe Will Fall [00:00:28]
03. Mad Cow Conspiracy [00:00:33]
04. Parasitic Infestation [00:00:41]
05. Projectile Pig Vomit [00:01:02]
06. Flesheating Disease [00:00:49]
07. Species of Feces [00:00:47]
08. Bodysnatcher [00:00:20]
09. Christ on Crack [00:01:05]
10. Nightcrawler [00:01:40]-Lineup:
Ben - bass
Dave Astor - drums
Scott Miller - guitars, vocals
Gabe Serbian - guitars

1999 - Human Jerky (EP)

Лэйбл: Three.One.G
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:16:17
01. Cloned for Carrion [00:01:02]
02. Parasitic Infestation (Extracted Pus, Mistaken for Yogurt, and Gargled) [00:00:41]
03. Unclogged and Ready for Spewage [00:00:35]
04. Gestation of Smegma [00:00:47]
05. Mute Rain [00:00:45]
06. Flesh-Eating Disease (Flu-Like Symptoms of E-Coli With Complete Digestive Shutdown) [00:00:48]
07. The Decapitation of Cattle [00:00:05]
08. Constipation Camp [00:00:59]
09. Intro to Carnage [00:00:33]
10. Cream of the Crop [00:01:00]
11. Mad Cow Conspiracy (Bloated Bovine-Home to Flies and Anthrax Spores) [00:00:30]
12. Veal and the Cult of Torture [00:00:40]
13. Stench from the Dumpster [00:00:44]
14. Body Snatcher (Viscera Intact-Ripe for Devourment) [00:00:19]
15. Roadkill Removal Technician [00:00:46]
16. Bovine, Swine, and Human-Rinds [00:00:45]
17. Bludgeoned, Beaten, and Barbequed [00:00:30]
18. Colon-Blo [00:04:41]

2000 - ¡Decapitacion! (Single) 192 kbps

Лэйбл: Accident Prone
Источник: web
Продолжительность: 00:02:20
01. Tripas De Pepe [00:00:50]
02. Vino De Lo Sanguifero [00:00:31]
03. Queso De Cabeza [00:00:58]

2000 - Homovore (EP)

Лэйбл: Three.One.G
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:21:48
01. Mauled [00:03:28]
02. Joined at the Ass [00:01:21]
03. Open Human Head Experiments with Bleach Laquer and Epoxy [00:01:07]
04. Diarrhea of the Mouth [00:00:41]
05. Headcheese [00:01:00]
06. Colostomy Jigsaw Puzzle [00:00:35]
07. Pepe's Trepes [00:00:49]
08. Release the Gimp [00:00:54]
09. The Roadside Dead (Detrunked Stumpification Through Roadrash) [00:00:57]
10. Carnal Fecophelia Due to Prolonged Exposure to Methane [00:02:11]
11. Icepick Gag Reflex [00:00:54]
12. Bathing in a Grease Disposal Unit [00:00:33]
13. Molested / Digested [00:02:46]
14. Wine of the Sanguine [00:00:37]
15. Ride 'em Cowboy [00:00:53]
16. Human Jerky and the Active Cultures [00:02:54]-Lineup:
Travis Ryan - vocals
Dave Astor - drums
Gabe Serbian - guitars
Guest musicians:
Sonny Kay - vocals
William Keeton - vocals

2019 Flu Deaths In Ohio

2005 - Cattle Decapitation & Caninus

Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Источник: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:09:13
01. Cattle Decapitation - Birth. Cancer. Death. [00:00:18]
02. Cattle Decapitation - No Future [00:01:41]
03. Cattle Decapitation - Chili Dispenser [00:01:13]
04. Cattle Decapitation - The Recapitation of Cattle [00:00:02]
05. Cattle Decapitation - Thrombosis All-In [00:00:10]
06. Cattle Decapitation - Turn on the Masters [00:01:25]
07. Caninus - United States of Emergency [00:00:23]
08. Caninus - Concrete Sniff [00:00:19]
09. Caninus - 11:11 is a Cult [00:01:18]
10. Caninus - Give Me the Paw [00:00:20]
11. Caninus - Brindle is as Brindle Does [00:00:03]
12. Caninus - Alien Report [00:00:33]
13. Caninus - Of Epic Contortions [00:00:05]
14. Caninus - What's the Deal with that Dude Who Shot Dimebag? [00:00:06]
15. Caninus - Kill Shelters [00:00:34]
16. Caninus - Victim in Pain (Agnostic Front cover) [00:00:34]
-[url=tracker.php?nm=Cattle%20Decapitation%20lossless]Cattle Decapitation - FLAC, Lossless[/url]

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2019 Flu Deaths In Usa

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