- Node Cheat Sheet
- Node Stream Cheat Sheet
- Knime Node Cheat Sheet
- PDF Link: cheatsheet-openshift-A4.pdf, Category: Cloud
- Blog URL: https://cheatsheet.dennyzhang.com/cheatsheet-openshift-A4
- Related posts: PKS CheatSheet, Kubectl CheatSheet, #denny-cheatsheets
This will cause node to exit and generate a core file. Chdir ( dir ); // Changes the current working directory of the process or throws an exception if that fails. Cwd ( ); // Returns the current working directory of the process. Server-sideio.on('connection', (socket) = // basic emit socket.emit(/./); // to all clients in the current namespace except the sender socket.broadcast.emit. OverAPI.com is a site collecting all the cheatsheets,all!
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1.1 OpenShift FAQ
Name | Summary |
Kubernetes versions for different OpenShift versions | openshift 3.9, openshift 3.10, openshift 3.11 |
1.2 OpenShift Key Components
Name | Command |
Computing virtualization | RHV (Red Hat Virtualization), based on KVM |
SDN networking | Based upon OVS |
VM/Cluster lifecycle management | CloudForms ? |
Node healing | Notification of failed components but no recovery |
Container optimized OS |
Container Image Compliance Scan | CloudForms OpenSCAP, like Harbor Clair |
Container runtime | dockerd, cri-o |
Container image registry | OpenShift Container Registry (OCR), powered by Redhat Quay |
Packages k8s cluster orchestrator | tectonic ? |
Component Packaging | Ansible modules? |
CSI for Persistent volume | GlusterFS, NFS, Local storage |
Authorization | OpenShift Container Platform policy engine |
Disater Recovery | Notification of failed components but no recovery |
Control Plane |
Reference | Link: OpenShift Container Platform Cluster Limits |
Reference | Link: OpenShift Key Components, Link: PKS Key Components |
1.3 New Concepts From OpenShift
Name | Command |
BuildConfig |
Source2Image(s2i) |
Templates | Like helm chart |
Pipelines | Jenkins |
Fine grained security policies OOTB | Like k8s psp |
Security Context Contraints(SCC) |
Red Hat Container Catalog (RHCC) |
Route | Like k8s ingress |
Metering and Chargeback |
Operator SDK |
1.4 OpenShift Solutions
Name | Command |
OpenShift Online | Hosted by Red Hat in AWS public cloud |
OpenShift Dedicated | Virtual private cloud, managed by Red Hat in any AWS region |
OpenShift Container Platform | Any on-premise, public, or private cloud infra with RedHat Enterprise Linux |
Minishift |
Reference | Link: OpenShift plans and pricing |
1.5 OpenShift Glossary
Name | Command |
OKD | The Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat OpenShift. |
oc command line | OpenShift command line: oc <action> <object_type> <object_name_or_id> |
Project | Namespace in Kubernetes. Resources are aggregated by projects. oc get project |
Build | Builds create a new image from source code, other images, Dockerfiles, etc. oc get build |
Build Configuration | How to build source code and a base image into a new image. oc get bc |
Route | Endpoint in Kubernetes. A route is an external DNS entry |
Deployment Configuration | oc get dc |
ImageStream | oc get is |
ImageStreamTag | oc get istag |
ImageStreamImage | oc get isimage |
Template | oc get template |
Template Instance | oc get templateinstance |
Explain | Online manual oc explain pod |
Red Hat Registry | By default, all images are pulled from registry.redhat.io. |
OpenShift SaaS Version | https://openshift.io/ |
OpenShift online | https://cloud.openshift.com |
Reference |
Reference | OpenShift CheatSheet, Rancher CheatSheet, PKS CheatSheet |
1.6 OpenShift Assumptions
Name | Summary |
Single instance of K8S | One OpenShift One K8S. Use k8s namespace soly for multi-tenancy |
No mixed versions | Versions must match between master and node hosts, excluding upgrade; Old oc can talk to new servers |
Node roles | Master nodes, worker nodes, and etcd nodes. |
1.7 OpenShift Maintainance
Name | Command |
Install clusters | Run ansible playbooks to install OpenShift |
Upgrade clusters | Support both in-place upgrade and blue-green deployments; Use ansible to upgrade clusters |
Node problem healing |
1.8 OpenShift Cfg Files
Name | Summary |
The default image stream and template files | /usr/share/openshift/examples/ , /etc/origin/examples/ |
Data folder for master and worker nodes | /var/lib |
Volumes and potential core dumps of the binary | /var/lib/origin |
Cloud provider specific conf(AWS, Azure, etc) | /etc/origin/cloudprovider |
Additional third party volume plug-ins | /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins , /etc/origin/kubelet-plugins |
All certificates, conf files, admin.kubeconfig, etc | /etc/origin/master |
Master node conf profile | /etc/origin/master/admin.kubeconfig |
Used for node bootstrapping nodes other than master | /etc/origin/master/bootstrap.kubeconfig |
Node conf profile | /etc/origin/node/node.kubeconfig , /etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml |
1.9 OC – Highlights
Name | Command |
Get api requests verbose output with kubectl call | oc --loglevel 999 get pod/dummy-deployment-6d6759c786-5kwth |
Start a pod and get a shell for debug | oc debug dc/jorge |
Impersonate for oc command | oc --as=jorge get pods , oc --as-group=developers get pods |
Use oc to do admin operations | oc adm <sub-command> |
Try experimental commands of oc | oc ex <sub-command> |
Explain OpenShift/Kubernetes concepts to me | oc explain pod , oc explain replicaset |
Enable oc shell autocompletion | echo 'source <(oc completion zsh)' >>~/.zshrc , then reload terminal |
Reference | OpenShift CheatSheet, Kubectl CheatSheet |
1.10 OC – Admin
Node Cheat Sheet
Name | Command |
Login/logout | oc login , oc logout , oc whoami |
List route | oc get route |
List all object types | oc types , oc api-resources |
Start a local OpenShift all-in-one cluster | oc cluster up |
1.11 OC – Developer
Name | Command |
Create a project | oc new-project <projectname> --description=<description> --display-name=<display_name> |
Check status of current project | oc status Link: OC CLI Operations |
Show oc cli profile | oc config view Link: Managing CLI Profiles |
Get all resource | oc get all |
Switch project | oc project <projectname> |
Create an application | oc new-app https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex |
Create a new build | oc new-build https://github.com/sclorg/cakephp-ex |
Manually start a build with given conf | oc start-build <buildconfig_name> |
Stop a build that is in progress | oc cancel-build <build_name> |
Import an external image | oc import-image <image_stream> |
Tag an image | oc tag <current_image> <image_stream> |
1.12 OpenShift Source Code
Name | Command |
Openshift Ansible Deployment | GitHub: openshift-ansible/playbooks |
1.13 OpenShift Opportunty
Name | Command |
Doesn’t support multiple clusters |
OC command line could be a strengh or a weakness |
Lack of SDN solution |
Time-consuming for administrators’ operations |
Node Stream Cheat Sheet
1.14 OpenShift CLI Help All
1.15 OpenShift CLI Help Admin
Knime Node Cheat Sheet
1.16 More Resources
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