Oculus Spatializer

  • The binaural Oculus Spatializer plug-in, available as a free download. For Henry and Dear Angelica, we used the binaural Oculus Spatializer, a free plug-in available on the Oculus developer site. This plug-in does much of the complex acoustic simulation work, allowing us to focus on the more creative side of binaural VR audio.
  • The Oculus Spatializer Plugin (OSP) is an add-on plugin for the Audiokinetic Wwise tool set that allows monophonic sound sources to be spatialized in 3D relative to the user’s head location. This integration guide describes how to install and use the OSP in both the.

Learning Objectives: Recognize spatial audio in VR and why it’s important Implement the Oculus Spatializer Plugin into a VR environment Apply reverb and mixer settings for spatial audio Understand best practices for audio in VR and how to test audio Submission: Remember to follow along and build your own vertical slice! Unity natively supports Audio Spatializers A plug-in that changes the way audio is transmitted from an audio source into the surrounding space. It takes the source and regulates the gains of the left and right ear contributions based on the distance and angle between the AudioListener and the AudioSource. Install older versions of the Oculus Spatializer, a few previous ones and a few older ones.-Checking 7 times that the plugin name is correct.-Made sure I had a Oculus Spatial Reverb on the fmod master, as pre-fader.-Tried doing everything from scratch but not import the Unity package, just copy the plugin file to the proper folder.

Harry potter mac download. In this article you will find a guide to configure the Oculus Spatializer in FMOD Studio and then use it in Unityto build amazing Virtual Reality experiences for Oculus Quest!

Why should I go through all this pain?

Oculus spatializer vst download

If you are working on a VR project you know that audio is basically very very important.

The advantages of using an audio middleware to speed up your projects are many but something setting everything up can be messy.

I’ve been using the Oculus Spatializer for quite a while now and I believe it offers one of the best HRTF out there.

I’m assuming you already have installed the latest version of FMOD and Unity.

FMOD set up

Oculus spatializer plugin

First thing we need to get the spatializer plugin inside FMOD Studio.
Go ahead and download the package from the Oculus website.

As I’m writing this article, version 12.0.0 is the latest release.
Here’s how the folder presents itself.

The interesting stuff for this step are:

  • Studio
  • x64

As you have this opened, look for the installation folder of FMOD in you computer.
Mine is C:Program FilesFMOD SoundSystemFMOD Studio 2.00.0x

Inside here there’s a folder named “plugins“.
You need to copy all the files from “Studio” and “x64” into that folder. So far it wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it??

You are all set up now!
If you create a new FMOD project you’ll now find the option for Oculus Spatializer in the menu.

When working with Oculus Quest, remember to build your banks for Mobile as well!

Unity set up

Now the Unity part… what we need are two things:

  • Oculus Spatializer package for Unity (we’ve downloaded it already)

Go ahead and import the integration for Unity, like any other package: double click on it while you have Unity opened in the background.
Now do the same think with the package you’ll find in the Spatializer folder.

Set the project path, so that Unity knows where FMOD project is located.
Go to the FMOD menu at the top and select “Edit Settings”

Now, in the inspector, select “project” and look for the FMOD Studio project file in your computer.

Tell FMOD you are using a plugin, add the string “OculusSpatializerFMOD” in the section Plugin.
Also make sure your speaker mode matches the one you’ve set in FMOD Studio! Happy wheels full game download mac.

If you are using Ambix files set FMOD to 5.1.
I know that Oculus documentation tells us to use Stereo, but if you do so, the routing of Ambisonics files isn’t quite right, so use surround and then only use the left and right channels on the master (as suggested by Gianni Ricciardi).

How many more steps????
Don’t worry we are almost there, just need to handle a little mess with the folders.

Last step, go in the assets folder and look for “Plugins/FMOD“.
Copy and paste the file OculusSpatializerFMOD.dll from Plugins/FMOD/x86_64 to Plugins/FMOD/win/x86_64


This is something that they should fix soon, basically they’ve changed FMOD integration folder structure, and the guys from Oculus haven’t caught up yet…

Now delete the folders Plugins/FMOD/x86_64 and Plugins/FMOD/x86 and you should be done!
If you don’t do so, you’ll have problems during build time, so make sure you have your folders fixed up.

This is how in the end folders should look like:

Building an app

It’s now time to create your application for quest.

Before you do, kill Unity’s audio engine, you don’t really need it, since we are using FMOD.

Go to Edit/Project Settings/Audio and flag “Disable Unity Audio

Now you are ready to build without errors!!! Enjoy everything working smoothly!!

You can always be getting errors during build time!

At least now you should be confident that if you have any problems you should be looking somewhere else than FMOD integration!

When updates come out.

Oculus Spatializer Vst

When either FMOD or Oculus update their software you might want to update as well, there are often new features and bug fixes.

To update everything follow these steps:

  • Update plugin files for FMOD Studio, build your banks.
  • Delete all FMOD files from unity, as well as dll (to delete dll files is better if you close unity and work directly in the project folder)
  • Reimport new packages and configure Unity like described in the article

I’m not getting Oculus spatialiser linking between FMOD and UE4 on Win10.
I have regular (non-Oculus) 3D sound working fine through Rift S.

As instructed here How to Use the Oculus Spatializer in FMOD Studio: Unreal | Oculus Developers I have my OculusSpatializerFMOD.dll (with text file ‘OculusSpatializerFMOD’) sat next to my fmod.dll files in UE4.26 > Engine > Plugins > FMODStudio > Binaries > Win64 but the OculusSpatializerFMOD doesn’t appear as per this image:


In UE4 the Oculus-Spatialized event sometimes appears as ‘3D - False’ in details, other times ‘True’ with 0 min and max, not sure where it’s getting 0 from.

Quick video demo’ing my test:

Other stuff I’ve tried:

guide from - Use the Oculus Spatializer for Unreal Engine | Oculus Developers

guide from - Set Up the Oculus Spatializer Plugin (OSP) for FMOD: Unity | Oculus Developers (no idea where mysterious 'Oculus Spatializer folder > AudioSDKPluginsFMODx64 folder is, i assume it’s same x64 folder from the download ZIP in ‘ovr_audio_spatializer_fmod’ folder)

in FMOD > Oculus plugin instead of spatializer on each event master track, mono in, stereo out
mixer master bus stereo out (tried both stereo and 5.1 in) and have Oculus Spatial Reverb

Oculus Spatializer Vst Download

in UE4 > Platforms > Win > Audio > Spatialization and Reverb Plugin > Oculus Audio, and Plugins > Oculus Audio > enable Late Reverberation, Plugins > FMOD Studio > Output Format Stereo Tomb raider mac free download.

Oculus Spatializer Unity

any help much appreciated, thanks.